hahas .. Christmas is almost over .. new year coming .. yes finally a whole new year (: ... hahas ... looking back on what i had done this year i think i'm a jerk .. Made new frens and some really good frens are gone .. maybe becos of what i hab became or maybe because i had ignored them ... i'm happy that those new frens i had made are still my frens (: .. hahas .. got closer to some of my frens .. some drifting apart ... maybe the saying that friendship can never last forever is true ... so to people reading my blog .. remember this .. cherish all ur frenship cause its not gonna last forever ... i remember having this fren ... we were good frens the starting of this year(actually we were last year too) .. after some things happened between us, we were drifting apart ... we were ignoring each other after tat incident happened ... Maybe it was me who starting ignoring ? .. i dunno .. but now i think its like impossible for us to be frens anymore ... yes i regretting doing what i had done to break the frenship bond between us ... we used to tell each other secrets .. but the bond is gone ... hahas .. its all gone (: .. but now i'm getting used to the feeling as even thou i had lost good frens .. i made new frens too (: .. hahas OLD one dun go NEW one never come (: .. hahas
LoLxs ... anyway the trip to hk and china i shall post tmr (: .. hahas too lazy to post .. so any way pictures i took today (:

Our Yugioh's Ace card :

Group Photo (:

OMFG !!! hahas

The Hat-ist ? hahas

They were meant to be (: blehs ~~ i am so dead

Iz feeling good(: hahas

Sales Promo of Mac's Curry sauce?


Vin thinking of HOMECOOK !!!

Zim doing wad he does best

Oh dear ):


Hahas .. so anyway . TFK went out today .. sadly w/o nif and steve .. so yeahs .. hahas .. anw check out our ace card .. trying to fite us in yugioh ?? THINK TWICE !!! hahas
okays today woke up at 11++ .. smsed iz checking if we were going out today .. so after much consideration we decided to go to jurong library .. nif and his fren followed too (: .. hahas so we were like playing cards game there while i was looking around for pretty girls .. can't find any .. blehs !~ so anw after playing yugioh .. we got CAUGHT !!! holy cow ~ so after tat went to use nif's laptop to check on things .. hahas then after tat decided to go to imm to check if there is any burger king .. nif, his fren and faz gotta go home ... so me and iz went over to imm for burger king (: .. hahas .. after tat decided to walk around imm for awhile then headed home .. on the way to imm .. guess wad we saw ?? GHAYS !!! yeahss holy cow GHAYS !!! they were touching each other ?? OMG !!! can u believe it ?? TOUCHING EACH OTHER !!! hahas .. how can there be ghays in this world ??? OMG !! ANTI GAYS !!!! come join my ANTI GAY SOCIETY !!! blehs ~ okays anw overall its a great day today (": hahas
today went over to cdans as ws was celebrating his bday there .. hahas .. so met up wif vin to get the present .. hahas .. after tat bus-ed down to cdans .. met siong teck jianhui,ows,zg,iz and kim there.. was chattin wif vin and iz .. hahas .. after tat me and iz went down to westmall to eat burgerking (: .. hahas .. we got this chocolate pie and shared ... omg its disgusting !! hahas .. after tat back home and then change to go out again to meet fatin and frens fgor badminton .. sry didn't play much today (: .. wasn;t in the mood yeahs (: .. hahas then walked home wif fiq (: hahas .. looks like tats all for today !!!
anw to uncle david :
from wad i noe u are reading this blog and u told charlene to talk to us .. but i'm sorry no matter wad i cannot forgive them .. i'm sorry .. cos its really hard to forgive someone that u trusted ur whole life time not to trust u .. do u understand ?? its like if i must forgive them as they already apologize .. its not my type of person ... if a sorry means we should forgive .. then why must there be police ?? why must there be changi prison ?? once ppl did something wrong juz a sorry and they would be forgiven ?? that doesn't happen in a real world ... yes u may say this is trust not smth big .. but take this as an example ... the N K F thingy ... the people were caught for cheating money .. and they were put to prison .. this is also a matter about trust.. why shuld they be placed there ?? they apologized .. why aren't they forgiven ?? its the same thing .. so really even thou they were once called "parents" .. but since they do not trust me .. then why must the call me .. a im-perfect guy :"son"?? they cannot say they love me .. cause if they love me , they would trust me ; like how i trusted those people whom i love .. this is also like dating .. when a guy wants to be with a girl there must be trust in the relationship .. without it whats the point of them staying together ?? don't u think so ??
fk them parents ...
what are parents to me ?? they are nothing .. juz a moving atm machine .. they got no feelings .. they are like strangers to me now .. yes even thou they watched me grow up for 16 fking years .. so wad ?? big fuck ?? parents no longer exists in royce's world ... hahas .. all i got are my frens and sisters and cousins .. and also brothers and tfk mates .. hahas .. to my parents ... Smoker=Royce ... it would never change .. so shuld i change myself so as to please them ?? making Smoker = Royce ?? hahas ... i dunno .. but then why shuld i care abt them ?? ahas .. no idea already ...
To parents:
If u guys no longer want me .. why dun u juz fking tell me .. i am really pissed off .. whats the point of having 2 person i called "parents" that do not understand me ?? ... not trusting me .. since u guys no longer trust me then why must u guys born me in the first place ?? why why why ?? making me suffer ?? is that what u guys want ?? If thats what u want tell me .. i would easily end my life and end all suffering ... wh why why why must u guys make me suffer ..
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan? (Don't think so)And do you think
I'm wasting my time doing things
I wanna do?(Yes)
'Cuz it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you (I'm never good enuff)
I can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all (and i mean everything!!!)Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go backI'm sorry( I'm juz sorry)
I can't be perfect try not to think
About the pain I feel inside (no u dun even think about me !!)
Did you know you used to be my hero? (now u are no longer here when i need u)All the days you spend with me
Now seem so far away (damn fking far!!!)
And it feels like you don't care anymore (do u once care??)
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight (i'm numb now)
And nothing's alright (everything i do is wrong to u !)
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and We can't go backI'm sorry I can't be perfect
heys .. hahas woots i am gonna get my new phone on tuesday !! .. hope its something that i am thinking of !! hahas .. anw hmm ytd was ok .. woke up at around 12.. went for brunch .. then after tat hotshot !! ahahs .. okays its lame but its nt a bad show .. after tat went to plaza to get my line re-sign .. as my contract is gonna end and also get a new phone .. it is coming on tuesday .. weets .. and its mine !! all mine !!!! blehs!! .. after tat went back home to hotshot (: .. blehs~~ . then went to sleep .. stupid sister of mine was sleeping on my bed so i had to sleep on the sofa ~~ ... wad to do i am a very veery nice person (: hahas .. so after tat i woke up at 5++ .. neck damn pain .. my head was super giddy too ): .. all becos of my BELOVED sis .. hahas .. after tat hotshot of awhile and then went for dinner (: /.. hahas looks like tats all for tat day (: .. post some other days when i am free then (: .. takecares (: