Okies i've gotten pretty bored waiting for
des n yw :( so i decided to do this survey thingy
on IAN's blog :D
1. Real name : Tay Jiajun Royce
2. Nickname : r00ni3,roonieroy
3. Star sign : Leo if i'm nt wrong:D
4. Male or female : Male
5. Primary school : Zhenghua Pri
6. Secondary school : Teckwhye
7. JC/POLY : Nanyang Polytechnic
8. Hair color : Reddish i suppose
9. Long or short : Whad do u mean??
10 . Loud or Quiet : QUIET !!! HAHAS JOKE !!
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
12. Phone or camera : Phone
13. Health freak : Neahs:D
14 . Drink or smoke : I used to smoke but no mre :D still drinking .. (water?)
15 . Do you have a crush on someone : Guessed so ?? but she got someother guy in mind ): HAHAS
16 . Eat or drink : both .. like duh??
17 . Piercings : Used to on the ear .. WISHED TO HAVE IT ON NIPPLE !! joking !!
18 . Tattoos : Wants a dragon on the neck:D
Have You Ever
19. Been in an airplane : yeaps
20 . Been in a relationship : Yeahs
21 . Been in a car accident : neahs
22 . Been in a fist fight : YES
23. First piercing : ear
24 . First best friend : Primary school des and yw .. they are equal:D
25 . First award : Story telling :D:D: k2
26 . First Crush : Am i suppose to say?? :D:D
27 . First Vacation : forgo where:D
28 . Last person you talked to : Des and yw
29 . Last person you texted to : JISIANG SWEETIE:D
30 . Last person(s) you watched a movie with : T.F.K
32. Last food you ate : xo crab beehoon:D
33 . Last movie you watched : Stepup 2 with des and yw in my hse:D
34 . Last song you listened to : Broken heart parade
35 . Last thing you bought : shampoo
36 . Last person you hugged : my ex?
37 . Food : xo beehoon
38. Drinks : china apple:D
39 . Clothing : IDK:D
40 . Books : Chicken soup:D
41 . Song : TONS:D
42 . Flower : dunno?
43 . Colors : HOTPINK:D
44 . Movies : TONS!
45 . Phrase : SUCK MY BALLS, fuck urself, dumbshyt and lick my armpit
46 . Subjects : maths :D:D thanks mdm mary:D.
You ever done before
47 . Kissed in the snow : doesn't snow in singapore
48 . Celebrated Halloween : neahs
49. Had your heart broken : YES !! IT SUCKS !!!! SERIOUS !
50 . Went over the minutes on your cell phone : The longest was with my ex .. thru the night:D
51 . Someone questioned your sexual orientation : guess so
52 : Came out of the closest : yeahs .. hide and seek?
53 . Gotten pregnant : FK U!
54 . Had an abortion : DUMB QUESTION
55 . Done something you've regretted : NOPE !!! I DUN LOOK BACK!
56 . Broke a promise : guess so :(
57 . Hid a secret : who doesn't?
58 . Pretended to be happy : always :D dun wanna spoilt ppl mood :D
59 . Met someone who changed your life : Yes :D and she totally changed it:D
60 . Pretended to be sick : YEAHS !!! ESCAPE FRM SCHOOL !! WOOTS!
61 . Left the country : duh?
62 . Tried something you normally wouldn't try & liked it : guess so
63 . Cried over the silliest thing : nope
64 . Ran a mile : YES !!! V.V. LONG AGO!!
65 . Went to the beach with your best friend(s) : DUH?
66 . Stay single the whole year : Baby ?? hahas and yeahs sadly:(
67 . Eating : neahs
68. Drinking : none
69. I'm about to ton : with des and wang :D
70 . Listening to : DANCE FLOOR ANTHEM
71 . Plans for tomorrow : blading with TYW and mugging
72 . Waiting for : Des and yw
73 . Want kids : Dun think so
74. Want to get married : IDK
75 . Careers in mind : ROCKSTAR:D
76 . Which is better than Girl /BOY:NONE!!
77 . Lips or eyes : BOOBS !!! hahas !!!
78 . Shorter or taller : short :D i prefer shorter girls:D
79 . Romantic or spontaneous : JOKER:D
80 . Nice stomach or nice arms : whad i prefer girls to have ?? BIGGER BOOBS!
81. Sensitive or loud : Sensitive
82 . Hook-up or relationship : Relation
83. Trouble-maker or hesitant : troublemaker
84. Lost glasses/ contacts : nope :D
85. Ran away from home : Yeahs :D but returned in the end
86. Hold a gun or knife for self defense : Pen knife?
87 . Killed somebody : WANTS TO!!
88 . Broken someone's heart : IDK?? guess so??
89 . Been arrested : Yeahs :(
90. Cried when someone died : my grams:(
Do you believe in
91 . yourself : like duh??
92. Miracles : USED TO
93 . Love at first sight : NOPE
94 . Heaven : guess so
95 . Santa Claus : they give me presents everytime !! DUH??
96 . Sex on the first date : YES !!! WANT TO!!!
97 . Kiss on the first date : DUH ?? got sex= kissing??
98. Is there one person you want to be with right now : DUH ??
99 . Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : Guess so?
100. This is the 100th & last question : DARN IT !!! still gotta wait for them:(
well firstly i wanna thank ian for the friendship
band thingy:D:D XIEXIE NI !!:D:D
oh well haven been blogging much nowadays):
hahas growing PRETTY lazy now :( hahas :D:D
I've been meetin up with T.F.K n ™§GP™
these few days:D:D SOCCERED with both of the
groups:D oh well that iswhat holis are for right ??
meeting up with my
BELOVED friends :D HAHAS !!'ve been mugging with TOH YOU WANG<3 these
few days :D:D oh well i didn't have anything to do
till TYW called me out :D .. ARGHH !!! school is
back for them :(:(
I'm so gonna miss T.F.K and ™§GP™ :D:D
oh well i have been MIA these few days .. well
i've been v.v busy ...
well its father day and the day started off with
me going to facial :D:D

hahas well as u can see i'm suffering :D:D hahas
so well after tat i went off to rest and later in the
night, went for dinner at a rest.. OWEN :D:D hahas
I've been at camp for basically 22 and 23 ... Some cca
bonding camp ... well it was okay arhs.. :D Its basically
the few games and stuff ... the last part was some night walk
which is also some rnadom game we usually play at night ..
hahas ... well the most impt thing is that i've bonded pretty
well with my ve mates right ?? HAHAS !!!
As i woke up this morning, i realised something...
When someone wakes you up from your sleep,
you can no longer continue sleeping ... T.T..
Went to watch movies with my beloved cousins
today ... Last minute thingy as i TOT the T.F.K
thingy was moved back ... SRY 1st .. my bet :D
so anyway watched drag me to hell with them ...
I was the only person who shouted in the place ...
EH PLEASE !!! its damn scary okays ?? I've
decided to learn black magic ... So i culd curse
people and make them die !! DIE IN HELL !!!
Well wuld be going off to tioman tmr ... Getting
some tanning !! FEE U WEE :D:D .. hahas even thou
i'm tanned .. oh well ... Its a time for me to put my mind
aside ... stop thinking bt some stuff and RELAX!!!!
currently in love with GC :D:D <3>
Happy birthday beloved sis :D
May all ur wishes come true yeahs :D:D
"DONE!!", he said ... It was the end of the day...
It was the holidays ... Is it smth to be celebrated??
People packing up their bag are what everyone is doing..
As i slowly packed my stuff, things started coming back
to me ... Is holiday something that we shuld be happy
about ?? 2 weeks ... 2 weeks without her smile ....
2 weeks without her smiling at me .. 2 weeks of holiday
am i going to study ?? i dun know ... don't think i have the
time to anyway