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Sunday, May 22, 2011

moved to http://awesomeismysecondname.blogspot.com

timecheck: 10:41 PM

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


new year, new frens,

old frens never forgotten :D
kayyy i am gonna thank all my friends that made

my 2010 so awesome.

so here goes :D

-Yw: you is ganbuuu :D HAHAHAHAH even your msn also

display name is you already .. so you= ganbu :D teehheeee:D

ehhh thanks for having to go out and eat with me late at night

2010 has been a blast hanging out with you :D i've been alot

healthier with you around .. having to go gym and stuff ..

thanks too for doing crazy stuff tgt with me even idk if u like it..

esp that night when we were out at plaza drinking .. that was awesome

-Des: EHHHHHHHHHH 2011 time to find gf already ahh ??? hahahaha

okayy ahhh standard chartered .. thanks for training with me man !!

all those support you gave me ask ask me to cont running ... THANKS !

always the more experience guy .. (Y) .. and also you bitchhhh make me

bet soccer :D HAHAHAHAS okayy ahh sorry i make u bet one right ??

SORRRY AHHHH :D .. thanks for sometimes talking sense into me .. :)


-Iz: heyyy :D well our clique has been kinda shaky this year but

you manage to bring it all back together without fail.

thanks for those meetups you've came up with and stuff.

even thou we don't much time this year for meetups because of army
and stuff , but WE WILL .. right ? :D TEEHEEE have fun in armyyy :D

-Fiq: OIIII:D last year didn't meet up much lehhhh:( hahahahas ...

more and more handsome alreadyy siaaa .. now i jealous know ???

hahahahas .. well i still remember how we talked about stuff when

you're staying at teckwhye .. thanks for the listening ear !

-Nif: BOOOOOO ! ehhh cb siaaa sorry ahhh i sometime put aeroplane
and stuff .. serious ahhh i want one but lazy or no time ahhh serious one ..
before army i swear we will have the time of our life kay ?? (Y) .. thanks

for cheering me up whenever i am down:D

-Faz: EHHHHHHHHH SEHHHHHHHHH ... my poly best friend :D

hahahahas forever meetups you will be there .. thanks man .. you

always make time for us .... and never fail to bring a smile to our face:D

-Zim: ZHONG ! seldom meet up lehhh .. you too another listening ear !
ahahas... i think its my fault that we didn't meet up thou .. i could have

called you out but i was too lazy :/ .. :D

-Vin: DOTAAAA LIAOZXCZXC.. hahahahas so hows poly ??? thanks for those

dota nights ! even thou you are a guy

with little words .. but what you do are

always for your friend's good. thanks!

-Steve: GAY! simply just gay :D hahahahahas okayy ahhh you've always been

asking for meetups and stuff .. its always a blast when you're out with us .

bully you also will not scold back .. ahahahas okay i promise i TRY not to already kay ?:)

-Kim: TEEHEEE .. OIII hahahahas ehhh .... thanks for the christmas

gift !.. okayy ahhh 2010 damn good with you and sok around ahh

no joke this one serious ... i've not been rotting much this year because of

you guys ... always stuff to do .. this year 2010 has been really good ..

we get to know each other better (i think only ahhh)... i still remember

the first year .. i always tot u were the one that is damn clever but unfriendly..

but after all these time things changed .. realised you were a really nice friend !

-Sok: EHHHH STEAMBOATTT.. hahahahahas you also another one .. i always

tot you were unfriendly until 2010 ... well what i have got to tell you is almost the

same as kim, since we 3 were usually tgt ... stop diablo and wait for me ! thanks !

-Jo: cutegirl_92@hotmail.com SEHHHHHH hahahahah ... 2010 damn fun with you ahh
learning driving tgt and stuff .. but too bad i finish learning faster then you even thou

you started first .. HAHAHAHAS bo bian i born talent :D HAHAHAH... thanks anw for

those smile you've brought to me in school :D THANKSSSS AHHHHH ! ooooh next year

somemre same course .. hope same class ahhhhhhh :D

-Jis: OI SIAO EHHHH .. jialat siaaaa you worst one know here .. intro me gossip girl..

make me addicted to drama sia you ... but nvm ahh i forgive you .. AHAHAHA ..

anw classes have been great with you around .. :)

-Ian: iannnnlimmmmmmm ... ehh this one need say one ahhh .. thanks for cage..
serious one... without you right, idk who book cage for us already siaaa .. then i will

never get to play cage liaozxc ... thanks !! and also i promise i shall try to bully u lesser..

-Hwawei: DOTA NOOOB ! hahahahahas kayy laxxx .. serious this guy damn niceee ..

he helped me in school with studies and stuff .. he do projects for me and taught me

when i am lost .. thanks !! next year different liao ..idk how to survive siaaa no one help...

-Hanying: OIIII this girl damn irritating one ahhh ... thanks for never once fail to irrtate me
the class is never quiet with you inside which is a good thing i guess ?? hahahas thanks !!!

-Durga: EHHHHHH .. thanks for going back home with me whenever there is no one else to

... hahahas thanks for having to tahan all my nonsense and stuff (Y) THANKS AHHHHHH :D

-Xiaosi: hello. EHHH this one also nice person .. always helping friends in need and stuff ..
all those class chalet and stuff is you organise one right ?? and all damn nice one (Y)!!!
thanks for those time you spend on the class for us to get bonded together :)

-Sarina: ehhhh this girl forever ignore me one siaaaaaa ... but well thanks for having
to be the responsible one .. helping people when they need help (Y) telling the class
about work and stuff .. THANKSSSSS

-Rest of the class: kayyy i really tired alreadyyy serious oneee soo well i know i never say ur name and stuff but i really gotta thank all of you guys :) THANKYOU!

-Weeping: HAHAHA i never forget you okayyy ??? hahahahas touched not ?? i still rmb u siaaa

hahahahas well thanks for meeting up with me when i got really nothing to do .. then mapling

with me when i am bored and stuff .. THANKS EHHH you're really a veryy veryy good friend.:D

-Family members: Joey,Jasmin,Daddy,Mummy and all of my cousins .. thanks for

being there when i needed you the most .. you guys are great! daddy and mummy

thanks for paying for my driving lessons

timecheck: 1:57 AM

Monday, November 1, 2010

Do you know you
used to be my hero.
-Simple plan


i'm disappointed in you.

timecheck: 11:43 PM

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I think i know you better,
better than you do.
- Downtown Friction

YOZXCZXCZXC!!!! can ahhhhhh 2nd prac only and driving has
been FUNN FUNN FUNNNN :D !! okay Scents of Thorns and finally
broken up .. first vocalist unhappy then pull drummer out then nv tell
guitarist all ... cannn siaaaaa .. wtf is up with people nowadays ...
ANYWAY ! decided to form another one with ME AS VOCALIST !!
FUYOUUUUU hahahahahahas reverned (Y) support ahhh thanksssssss
would be playing rock/hardrock i guess .. it'll be with my ex guitarist :D
L> guitarist that can solo ahhh thankssszxczxc got friend tell me ....
cann ahhh school hours all sucks but actually alright ah after getting used to it.
OOOH YEAHHHHHHHH this week we got the 30 dollars per week challenge ...
HAHAHAHAS !! hello people of planet earth pleaseeeeeeee help save earth ahh
serious siaaaa see indo all burn treee i stresss siaaaa sick all .. PLEASEEE AHHHH
you all nice people siaaaa help save earth ahhh ... THANKSZXCZXC

timecheck: 1:32 AM

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I know this hurts,
it was meant to , it was meant to.

CANNN SIAAAAAAA holiday like doggg like that ...
staying at home everyday doing nothing but gaming ...
CAN SIAA i got life (Y) !!! okayys i got my new
thanks arhs des and wang !!!! can liaozxc i think i damn
pro already !! HAHAHAHAHHAS !!! oooh wellll but i had
to let my copperhead go thou ... told des i wuld give him copper
ooohhhh welllll :( i hope he takes good care of copperhead ...
copperhead have been a really niceeee mouse .. been thru
thick and thin with me ... SERIOUSSS SIAAAAA got feeling
for mouse ... :) TEEEHEEE :) ooh welll i hope lachesis would be
niceee to me then :D:D gimme win more game can liaozxc :D HEEEHHH.
SEE ME MORE ON DOTA NOWWWW :D:D okay holland v start alr ..
ohhh yeahhh nowadays i've also been sleeping at godly hours too !!
5am,6am and stuffff wtfffffffff ... can siaaaaaaa 4 more days to
school reopen and i am doing this ... FUUYOUUU liddat ..

timecheck: 3:48 AM

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I've seen your boyfriend ,
and i don't think he treats you right.

WOOOOHOOOO 2 more paper ..
keep it up (Y)..

timecheck: 8:14 PM

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I wake up scared to phone here,
realised i'm a loner in love.

Fcuk this shit .. exams are round the corner agn ..
__ how sia this year ... i scared siaaa nbtt ...
what if i failed ?? what am i suppose to do ??
i don't want to be looked down at again ...
but i can't seem to be studying too ... arghh fuck you
royce .. fuck u damn hard .. can u just study ???
stop all those gaming, those time talking on msn ...
just stay in your room and study can ?? __
okay i will study i swear ...

i've been starting to realised how lousy i am
in keeping my friends .. realised slowly
1 by 1, my friends are starting to leave me ...
nice job royce nice job .. you are a fucking loser ..
so just go study and get something out of ur life ...
tyvm !

timecheck: 12:09 AM


Royce's blog.


here are his/her rules:

#1 no vulgarities
#2 whatever said here, can't be discussed at sch.
#3 have to tag before you leave
#4 if you want spam my blog, fuck you and scram.

if you break any rule,
i will hunt you down to rape xDDDD


group:T.F.K 8th
age:17 going on 18
about me: I'm like the awesomest of the awesome people